Our Earth Steward Initiative

In an effort to reduce our environmental impact and become more sustainable as we grow we’ve implemented an Earth Steward Initiative Recycle Program

We are not one of those companies greenwashing with buzzwords. We are actively implementing ways to lessen our footprint and will continue to find room for growth in this area.

This is why we are swapping our plastic lids for metal lids and why we’ve transitioned to clear glass for some of our products as amber glass is harder to recycle.

However, we will still keep a lot of our products in Amber Glass as we need to protect the fragility of our high potency essential oils to ensure they deliver the results you need by keeping their maximum freshness.

This is why we are proud to have joined the Terracycle Program. Terracycle is an eco-friendly recycling company with a mission to recycle typically non-recyclable materials. This is how we can efficiently recycle our amber glass jars, the pumps and sprays because most facilities will not recycle them properly or at all.

So, how can you partake in our Earth Steward Initiative?

At the moment we offer 1 drop off location at Selkie Sisters Collective #7 - 625 Cliffe Ave Courtenay. We are working on having more locations around Vancouver Island.

When you drop off 2 or more amber glass bottles/jars you will receive 10% off your next purchase of Selkie Sisters Apothecary products.


Please complete all fields and indicate in the message field that you would like to take part in our Earth Steward Initiative.

Every little move we make can add up, especially when many of us make them together.

We thank you and our Earth Mother does too